Homeschooling a Child With Autism: Tips and Strategies

In this article, we will provide some tips and strategies to help you create a successful homeschooling experience for your child.

steven zauderer
Steven Zauderer
September 19, 2023
min read

Homeschooling a Child With Autism

Homeschooling a child with autism can be a challenging but rewarding experience.

As a parent or caregiver, you have the opportunity to create a customized learning environment that meets your child's unique needs and abilities.

However, it can also be overwhelming to navigate the many decisions and strategies involved in homeschooling a child with autism.

Understand Your Child's Learning Style

One of the most important things you can do when homeschooling a child with autism is to understand their learning style.

Children with autism often have a different way of processing information and learning compared to neurotypical children. Some children with autism are visual learners, while others learn best through hands-on activities or auditory input.

By understanding your child's learning style, you can tailor your teaching methods to their needs and help them learn more effectively.

Create a Structured Routine

Children with autism often thrive on routine and structure. When homeschooling your child, it's important to create a structured routine that includes regular breaks and activities.

This can help your child feel more secure and comfortable in their learning environment. You may want to create a visual schedule or use a timer to help your child understand the routine and stay on task.

Incorporate Sensory Activities

Many children with autism have sensory processing difficulties, which can make it challenging for them to focus on academic tasks. Incorporating sensory activities into your homeschooling routine can help your child regulate their sensory system and improve their ability to focus. Some examples of sensory activities include playing with playdough, jumping on a trampoline, or using a weighted blanket.

Use Visual Aids

Visual aids can be a powerful tool for children with autism. They can help your child understand abstract concepts and make connections between different ideas.

You may want to use visual aids such as pictures, diagrams, or videos to help your child learn new concepts. You can also use visual aids to help your child understand social situations or emotions.

Find Support

Homeschooling a child with autism can be isolating at times. It's important to find support from other parents or caregivers who are also homeschooling children with autism.

You may want to join a homeschooling support group or online community to connect with other families. You can also seek out professional support from a therapist or educational specialist who has experience working with children with autism.


Is homeschooling better for autism?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to whether homeschooling is better for children with autism than traditional schooling.

While homeschooling can offer many benefits, such as a customized learning environment and a flexible schedule, it may not be the best option for all families. Some children with autism thrive in a traditional school setting with the support of trained professionals and access to specialized services.

It's important to carefully consider your child's individual needs and abilities when deciding whether homeschooling is the right choice for your family.

Additionally, it's worth noting that homeschooling requires a significant commitment of time and resources from parents or caregivers, so it may not be feasible for everyone. Ultimately, the decision to homeschool should be based on what will best meet your child's needs and help them reach their full potential.

Is it possible to homeschool an autistic child?

Yes, it is absolutely possible to homeschool an autistic child. In fact, many families have found that homeschooling provides a more individualized and supportive learning environment for their child with autism.

Homeschooling allows parents or caregivers to tailor the curriculum and teaching methods to meet their child's specific needs and interests, which can lead to greater engagement and progress.

However, homeschooling a child with autism does require careful planning, preparation, and patience. It's important to understand your child's strengths and challenges, as well as any necessary accommodations or supports they may need. You may also need to seek out resources and support from professionals who specialize in working with children with autism.

Ultimately, the decision to homeschool should be based on what will best meet your child's needs and help them reach their full potential. With dedication and effort, homeschooling can be a highly effective option for families of children with autism.

How do I start homeschooling my autistic child?

Starting to homeschool your autistic child can feel overwhelming, but there are some steps you can take to make the process easier.

First, research your state's homeschooling laws and regulations to ensure that you are in compliance with any requirements. You may need to file paperwork or provide documentation of your child's progress.

Next, consider your child's learning style and interests when choosing a curriculum.

Many homeschooling programs offer customized curriculums for children with autism that focus on their strengths and address their challenges.

You may also want to seek out resources and support from professionals who specialize in working with children with autism. This can include therapists, educational specialists, or other parents who have experience homeschooling children with autism.

Finally, create a structured routine for your child that includes regular breaks and sensory activities. This can help your child feel more comfortable and engaged in their learning environment.

Remember that homeschooling is a journey, and it may take time to find the strategies and approaches that work best for your family. With patience, dedication, and support, you can create a successful homeschooling experience for your autistic child.

Should kids with autism go to normal school?

The decision of whether to send a child with autism to a traditional school or homeschool them is a personal one that should be made based on the individual needs and abilities of the child.

While some children with autism thrive in a traditional school setting, others may struggle with the sensory overload, social demands, and academic expectations.

It's important for parents and caregivers to consider all aspects of their child's well-being when making this decision.

Some factors to consider may include the availability of specialized services and accommodations, the child's comfort level in social situations, the child's ability to regulate their sensory system in a busy environment, and the family's resources and support network.

Regardless of whether a child with autism attends traditional school or is homeschooled, it's important for them to receive appropriate support and accommodations to help them reach their full potential. This may include access to therapy services, assistive technology, or specialized instruction.

Ultimately, every child with autism is unique and deserves an education that meets their individual needs. Whether it's through traditional schooling or homeschooling, the most important thing is that they receive the support and resources necessary to succeed.


Homeschooling a child with autism can be a challenging but rewarding experience.

By understanding your child's learning style, creating a structured routine, incorporating sensory activities, using visual aids, and finding support, you can create a successful homeschooling experience for your child.

Remember to be patient and flexible, and to celebrate your child's progress along the way.


steven zauderer

CEO of CrossRiverTherapy - a national ABA therapy company based in the USA.

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