How Long Does It Take To Get RBT Certification?
It doesn’t take long to become an RBT. You're required to complete a 40-hour training course and then pass the RBT exam, which many people can complete in less than a month.
How Long Does It Take To Get RBT Certification?
It doesn’t take long to become an RBT. You must complete a 40-hour training course and then pass the RBT exam, which many people can complete in less than a month.

If you considering getting your RBT certification, you will be happy to know that many people can complete this certification in as little as a month.
This could vary depending on where you live and the ABA therapist that is overseeing your training hours, but that being said, it still doesn't take as long as many people think.
Once you decide you want to get your certification, you will need to find an ABA therapist that you can work with to get a total of 40 supervised training hours before going in to take the RBT exam.
Most of the time, RBTs will work first-hand with children who suffer from autism to help implement an ABA therapist plan, and although as an RBT you will not formulate the plan and strategy, you will get to have a front-row seat to the outcome of the plan.
How Long Does RBT Certification Last?
After you complete and pass your RBT certification exam, you will have to renew your certification every year from the date of passing your exam.
When you first get your RBT certification, you have to pay a $50 application fee and then a $45 exam fee for the RBT certification exam.
When you go back to renew your certification, you will be required to provide a $35 renewal fee. This price is set by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board or BACB and is subject to change.
So, after you complete your RBT certification, you need to make sure you keep up with any changes that might happen throughout the year about renewing your certification.
That way when it comes time for you to renew your certification, you will not have any issues in doing so and you will be prepared for any requirements that might have changed over the last year.
Requirements To Qualify For RBT Training
The requirements for an RBT training program are fairly simple compared to some other types of certifications. Here are the basic requirements that you will have to meet before joining any sort of RBT certification training program.
1. You have to be at least 18 years old.
This is a simple requirement, and it is excellent for younger people who already have an idea of what they want to do with their lives, especially if they want to become ABA therapists in the future.
2. You must have a high school diploma or GED.
Education is important, but becoming RBT certified does not require any kind of higher education. This is another reason why many young people who want to work with autistic children choose to start with RBT training and certification. It gives them a foothold in the area they want to make their career.
3. You have to pass a background check.
If you are going through an agency, they will usually take you through this process. If not, when you find an RBT training program you wish to join, they will conduct the background check, but you might be required to pay a fee for the review.
4. You have to complete RBT training.
This training consists of 40 hours of supervised training where you will work under a board-certified ABA therapist and begin learning what an RBT does.
5. You have to take a competency assessment.
This assessment could take place in your working environment, but if you haven't secured a position yet, you can take the assessment where the assessor could provide you with different roleplaying exercises to see how you handle and your skill with clients.
6. You have to take and pass the RBT certification exam.
This is a written assessment where you will be tested on the things you have learned during your training hours. This exam does require an application fee and an exam fee to complete, which you will need to be prepared for.
How RBT Training Works
Before you are capable of taking the RBT certification exam or the competency assessment, you are required to complete 40 hours of supervised training.
This training has to be supervised by an ABA therapist who is certified. When you decide you want to become an RBT, you should start looking for a training program in your area.
Sometimes these programs are run by ABA therapists, but most of the time they will be held by some sort of employment agency that is in charge of placing RBTs with ABA therapists.
Once you have completed your 40 hours, you will be released to take the RBT exam, which will allow you to begin working officially as an RBT with an ABA therapist.