How to Get Tested for Autism as a Teenager?

To get a diagnosis of autism, you will need to be evaluated by a professional who specializes in autism. This could be a psychologist, psychiatrist, or developmental pediatrician.

steven zauderer
Steven Zauderer
June 29, 2024
min read

Understanding Autism Testing for Teenagers

When it comes to understanding and supporting teenagers with autism, proper testing is essential. This section will provide an overview of what autism is, why testing is important, and the signs and symptoms of autism in teenagers.

What is Autism and Why Testing is Important

Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects communication, social interaction, and behavior. It is a lifelong condition that manifests differently in each individual. Autism testing is important because it helps in obtaining an accurate diagnosis, which is the first step towards accessing appropriate support and interventions.

Early identification and diagnosis of autism in teenagers is crucial to ensure timely intervention and support. Testing can provide a better understanding of a teenager's strengths, challenges, and unique needs. It helps parents, educators, and healthcare professionals develop tailored strategies and interventions to maximize the teenager's potential and improve their quality of life.

Signs and Symptoms of Autism in Teenagers

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of autism in teenagers can aid in seeking timely testing and intervention. While the specific characteristics and severity vary among individuals, here are some common signs and symptoms:

Signs and Symptoms of Autism in Teenagers

  • Difficulty with social interactions and understanding social cues
  • Challenges in maintaining conversations and making eye contact
  • Repetitive behaviors or restricted interests
  • Sensory sensitivities or aversions
  • Difficulties with transitions or changes in routine
  • Speech and language delays or atypical language patterns
  • Difficulty understanding and expressing emotions
  • Unusual or intense focus on specific topics or objects

It's important to note that these signs and symptoms may not be exclusive to autism and can overlap with other conditions. Therefore, professional evaluation and testing are necessary to confirm an autism diagnosis.

Understanding autism and recognizing the signs and symptoms in teenagers can help parents take the necessary steps to seek appropriate testing and support. By obtaining an accurate diagnosis, parents can access resources and interventions that can positively impact their teenager's development and well-being.

The Autism Evaluation Process

When it comes to autism testing for teenagers, the evaluation process typically involves multiple steps to gather comprehensive information and make an accurate diagnosis.

Understanding these steps can help parents navigate the process and ensure their teenager receives the necessary support. The evaluation process generally consists of three main steps: identifying concerns and seeking professional help, initial assessment and screening, and comprehensive diagnostic evaluation.

Step 1: Identifying Concerns and Seeking Professional Help

The first step in the autism evaluation process is to identify any concerns regarding your teenager's developmental and behavioral patterns. It's important to pay attention to signs and symptoms that may indicate the presence of autism. These can include difficulties with social interactions, communication challenges, repetitive behaviors, sensory sensitivities, and a preference for routines.

Once concerns are identified, seeking professional help is crucial. Start by consulting your teenager's pediatrician or primary care physician. They can provide guidance and refer you to specialists, such as developmental pediatricians, child psychologists, or neurologists, who are trained in evaluating and diagnosing autism in teenagers.

Step 2: Initial Assessment and Screening

The next step involves an initial assessment and screening to gather preliminary information about your teenager's developmental history and behavior. This may include questionnaires and interviews with parents, caregivers, and teachers. These assessments aim to identify any red flags or areas of concern related to autism.

During this stage, professionals may use standardized screening tools such as the Autism Spectrum Rating Scales (ASRS) or the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) to assess your teenager's social communication skills, repetitive behaviors, and overall development. These screening tools help determine whether further evaluation is necessary.

Step 3: Comprehensive Diagnostic Evaluation

If the initial assessment raises suspicions of autism, a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation is typically conducted. This evaluation involves a more in-depth assessment by a team of professionals, which may include developmental pediatricians, child psychologists, speech-language pathologists, and occupational therapists.

A comprehensive diagnostic evaluation usually includes the following components:

  1. Developmental and Medical History Review: Professionals will gather information about your teenager's developmental milestones, medical history, and any relevant family history.
  2. Direct Observation and Behavioral Assessments: Professionals will directly observe your teenager's social interactions, communication skills, and behavior in various settings. They may also conduct specific assessments to evaluate your teenager's strengths and challenges.
  3. Psychometric Testing and Cognitive Assessments: This involves a series of tests and assessments to measure your teenager's cognitive abilities, intellectual functioning, and adaptive skills. These tests can provide valuable information about your teenager's overall development and help in making an accurate diagnosis.

It's important to note that the evaluation process may vary depending on the professionals involved and the specific needs of your teenager. The goal is to gather comprehensive information to determine whether your teenager meets the criteria for an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis.

By understanding the different steps involved in the autism evaluation process, parents can be better prepared to support their teenager and collaborate effectively with professionals. It's essential to advocate for your teenager's needs, follow through with recommended evaluations, and seek appropriate support and resources after a diagnosis is made.

Types of Autism Tests and Assessments

When it comes to autism testing for teenagers, a variety of tests and assessments are utilized to gather comprehensive information about their development and behaviors. These assessments help professionals in making an accurate diagnosis and developing an appropriate support plan. Here are three common types of autism tests and assessments:

Developmental and Medical History Review

The developmental and medical history review is an essential part of the autism evaluation process. It involves gathering information about the teenager's early childhood development, milestones, and any medical conditions or genetic factors that may be relevant. Parents or caregivers play a crucial role in providing this information.

During this assessment, the healthcare provider will ask questions about the teenager's speech and language development, social interactions, behavior patterns, and any concerns that have been observed. This review helps in understanding the teenager's developmental trajectory and identifying any red flags that may indicate autism.

Direct Observation and Behavioral Assessments

Direct observation and behavioral assessments involve observing the teenager's behavior in various settings, such as school, home, and clinical environments. These assessments may be conducted by healthcare professionals, psychologists, or educators who are trained in autism evaluation.

During direct observation, professionals closely observe the teenager's social interactions, communication skills, play behaviors, and repetitive or restricted behaviors. They may use standardized tools and checklists to assess specific areas of functioning, such as social communication or sensory processing.

Behavioral assessments may also involve interviews with parents, teachers, or other individuals who have regular interactions with the teenager. This information helps in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the teenager's behavior across different contexts.

Psychometric Testing and Cognitive Assessments

Psychometric testing and cognitive assessments provide valuable insights into the teenager's intellectual abilities, cognitive functioning, and adaptive skills. These assessments are typically conducted by psychologists or neuropsychologists who specialize in autism evaluation.

Psychometric testing involves administering standardized tests that assess various cognitive domains, such as intelligence, memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. These tests provide objective measures of the teenager's cognitive abilities and can help identify strengths and weaknesses.

Cognitive assessments also evaluate adaptive skills, which are essential for independent functioning in everyday life. These assessments assess the teenager's ability to perform tasks related to self-care, communication, socialization, and daily living skills.

By utilizing a combination of developmental and medical history review, direct observation and behavioral assessments, and psychometric testing and cognitive assessments, professionals can gather a comprehensive understanding of the teenager's strengths, challenges, and areas of concern.

These assessments form the basis for an accurate diagnosis and the development of a tailored support plan to meet the teenager's unique needs.

Working with Professionals

When it comes to autism testing for teenagers, working with professionals is an essential part of the process. These specialists play a crucial role in evaluating and diagnosing autism in teenagers. In this section, we will discuss the steps involved in finding qualified specialists and collaborating with school and healthcare providers.

Finding Qualified Specialists

Finding qualified specialists who have experience in diagnosing and evaluating autism is vital. Here are some steps you can take to find the right professionals:

  1. Pediatricians and Family Doctors: Start by consulting with your child's pediatrician or family doctor. They can provide referrals to specialists who specialize in autism assessment and diagnosis.
  2. Autism Centers and Clinics: Look for autism centers and clinics in your area that offer diagnostic services for teenagers. These centers often have multidisciplinary teams of experts, including psychologists, psychiatrists, and speech therapists, who can evaluate your teenager comprehensively.
  3. Local Support Groups: Reach out to local autism support groups or organizations. They can provide valuable recommendations and connect you with professionals who have a good reputation within the autism community.
  4. Insurance Provider: Check with your insurance provider to understand the coverage for autism testing and assessment. They can provide a list of in-network specialists or clinics that you can consider.

Before finalizing a specialist, it's important to research their qualifications, experience, and expertise in diagnosing autism in teenagers. Reading reviews or seeking recommendations from other parents can also help you make an informed decision.

Collaborating with School and Healthcare Providers

Collaboration with school and healthcare providers is crucial for a comprehensive autism evaluation. These professionals can provide valuable insights and contribute to the assessment process. Here's how you can collaborate effectively:

  1. School Professionals: Inform your teenager's school about your concerns regarding autism. Work closely with the school's special education team, including teachers, counselors, and school psychologists. They can provide valuable information about your teenager's behavior, learning patterns, and social interactions.
  2. Healthcare Providers: Share any evaluations or assessments conducted by healthcare providers with the school. This collaboration ensures that everyone is on the same page and can develop an appropriate support plan for your teenager.
  3. Consistent Communication: Maintain open and consistent communication with both school and healthcare professionals throughout the testing process. Share relevant information, ask questions, and provide updates on your teenager's progress.

By working with qualified specialists and collaborating with school and healthcare providers, you can ensure a comprehensive and accurate evaluation for your teenager. This collaborative approach allows for a holistic understanding of your teenager's needs and helps in developing an effective support plan tailored to their unique requirements.

Preparing Your Teen for the Testing Process

Getting tested for autism can be an important step in understanding and supporting your teenager's needs. As a parent, it's essential to prepare your teen for the testing process to ensure their comfort and cooperation. This section will guide you through three key aspects of preparation: communicating with your teen, addressing their concerns and anxiety, and setting realistic expectations.

Communicating with Your Teen

Open and honest communication is vital when discussing the autism testing process with your teenager. Take the time to explain why the testing is necessary and emphasize that it is not a judgment or criticism of their abilities. Use simple and age-appropriate language to help them understand the purpose and potential benefits of the evaluation.

Encourage your teen to ask questions and express their thoughts and feelings. Active listening and validating their emotions can help alleviate any anxieties they may have. Reassure them that you will be there to support them throughout the process and emphasize that their well-being is the top priority.

Addressing Their Concerns and Anxiety

It is common for teenagers to feel anxious or worried about undergoing autism testing. Addressing their concerns and providing reassurance can help alleviate their anxiety. Some common concerns may include fear of the unknown, fear of being labeled, or concerns about the testing procedures.

To address their concerns, provide clear and accurate information about what to expect during the evaluation. Explain that the purpose of the testing is to gather information to better understand their unique strengths and challenges. Emphasize that the evaluation is a confidential process and that the results will be used to create an individualized support plan to help them thrive.

Encourage your teen to share any specific worries or fears they may have. Validate their feelings and provide reassurance by discussing the steps taken to ensure their comfort and well-being during the testing process. Remind them that they are not alone and that you are there to support them every step of the way.

Setting Realistic Expectations

Setting realistic expectations is crucial to help your teen understand the purpose and limitations of the autism testing process. Explain that the evaluation is not a quick fix or a definitive answer, but rather a comprehensive assessment to gather information about their strengths, challenges, and needs.

It's important to manage their expectations by explaining that the evaluation may require multiple sessions and that the process takes time. Emphasize that the evaluation is carried out by qualified professionals who will use a variety of assessments to gather accurate and reliable information.

Highlight that the goal is to provide a better understanding of their unique characteristics and develop a support plan tailored to their specific needs.

By effectively communicating, addressing concerns and anxiety, and setting realistic expectations, you can help prepare your teenager for the autism testing process. Remember to provide ongoing support and reassurance throughout the evaluation to ensure their comfort and well-being.

After the Autism Testing

Once the autism testing process is complete, there are several important steps to take to ensure that you understand the diagnosis and provide the necessary support for your teenager. This section focuses on understanding the diagnosis, developing a support plan, and seeking additional resources and services.

Understanding the Diagnosis

Receiving an autism diagnosis for your teenager can bring about a range of emotions and questions. It's essential to take the time to understand what the diagnosis means and how it relates to your teenager's unique strengths and challenges. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Consult with the healthcare professional or specialist who conducted the evaluation to discuss the findings and ask any questions you may have.
  • Educate yourself about autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by reading reliable sources, attending informational sessions, or joining support groups.
  • Recognize that an autism diagnosis does not define your teenager, but rather provides insights into their neurodevelopmental profile.

Developing a Support Plan

Following the diagnosis, it's crucial to develop a comprehensive support plan that addresses your teenager's specific needs. This plan should involve collaboration with professionals, educators, and other relevant individuals. Consider the following steps:

  1. Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan: Work with your teenager's school to develop an IEP or 504 plan that outlines the necessary accommodations, modifications, and support services to help them succeed academically and socially.
  2. Therapies and Interventions: Explore therapy options such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, and behavioral therapy. These interventions can assist in developing social skills, communication abilities, and coping strategies.
  3. Social and Emotional Support: Seek out support groups, counseling services, or social skills groups that can provide your teenager with a safe space to share experiences, learn from others, and develop coping mechanisms.
  4. Transition Planning: If your teenager is nearing adulthood, consider creating a transition plan that addresses their future goals, independent living skills, vocational training, and potential support services.

Seeking Additional Resources and Services

In addition to the support plan, there are numerous resources and services available to assist your teenager and family. These resources can provide valuable information, guidance, and opportunities for connection. Some key resources and services to consider include:

Resource/Service Description
Autism Organizations Connect with local and national autism organizations that offer information, support, and community resources.
Parent Support Groups Join parent support groups to share experiences, gain insights, and receive emotional support from others who have gone through similar journeys.
Community Programs Explore community programs that offer recreational activities, social groups, and vocational training tailored to individuals with autism.
Online Resources Utilize reputable websites, online forums, and educational materials to stay informed about the latest research, strategies, and advancements in autism support.
Financial Assistance Investigate financial assistance programs or grants that may be available to support therapies, assistive technology, or other necessary resources.

Remember, each teenager with autism is unique, and their support needs may change over time. Stay open to learning, adapt as necessary, and advocate for your teenager's well-being and success. With the right support and resources, your teenager can thrive and navigate the challenges and opportunities that come their way.


Getting tested for autism as a teenager can be a daunting process, but it is an important step in understanding yourself and getting the support you need. Remember to be kind to yourself and reach out for support from your loved ones and professionals. With the right diagnosis and support, you can thrive and live your best life.


steven zauderer

CEO of CrossRiverTherapy - a national ABA therapy company based in the USA.

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