How to Deal with High-Functioning Autism in Adults

Discover effective support for adults with high-functioning autism, from therapies to employment assistance.

steven zauderer
Steven Zauderer
June 29, 2024
9 min read
min read

Understanding High-Functioning Autism

High-functioning autism is a term often used to describe individuals on the autism spectrum who possess average or above-average intellectual abilities. However, despite their cognitive strengths, these individuals often face significant challenges in daily functioning, social interaction, and emotional regulation.

Defining High-Functioning Autism

High-functioning autism, despite not being a formal diagnostic category, provides a helpful way to understand the experiences of adults who, while intellectually capable, struggle with specific areas of functioning due to autism. Notably, adults with high-functioning autism frequently experience co-occurring conditions such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, executive function difficulties, and sensory sensitivities. These co-occurring conditions can complicate treatment and management, requiring a comprehensive approach to address their specific needs [1].

Research suggests that these individuals may face higher rates of depression and anxiety compared to neurotypical individuals, impacting their quality of life. Furthermore, a study found that adults with high-functioning autism have higher levels of loneliness, stress, and social anxiety compared to typically developing adults, indicating a need for targeted support interventions to improve their well-being.

Overlapping Symptoms with Other Conditions

One of the primary challenges in diagnosing autism in adults is the overlap of symptoms with other conditions. This overlap can make it difficult to distinguish autism from other neurodevelopmental disorders or mental health conditions. Moreover, there is a lack of awareness and understanding of autism in adults, leading to delayed or missed diagnoses.

Given this, it's crucial to develop a strong understanding of high-functioning autism and the unique challenges it presents to adults. With this understanding, it's possible to advocate for the development and implementation of programs that address their social, emotional, and cognitive difficulties. This support can help enhance overall functioning and quality of life for adults with high-functioning autism.

Challenges Faced by Adults with High-Functioning Autism

Understanding the unique challenges faced by adults with high-functioning autism is key to providing effective support and fostering their ability to lead fulfilling lives. Some of these challenges include difficulties in social interaction, employment challenges, and co-occurring mental health conditions.

Social Interaction Difficulties

Adults with high-functioning autism often face challenges in social interactions, including difficulties in communication and forming relationships. They may find it hard to interpret social cues or body language, which can lead to misunderstandings or feelings of isolation.

Social skills training can be beneficial for these individuals, helping to improve their social interaction abilities and enhance their relationships with others [1]. Such training often focuses on teaching strategies for understanding and responding to social cues, improving communication skills, and fostering meaningful connections with others.

Employment Challenges

Another area of difficulty for adults with high-functioning autism is employment. They may struggle with job interviews due to social interaction difficulties or encounter challenges in adapting to the social norms of the workplace. Additionally, they might find it hard to manage time, prioritize tasks, or handle changes in routine or expectations—all of which can impact their job performance and stability.

To address these challenges, employment support services and vocational training programs can be instrumental, assisting adults with high-functioning autism to build necessary job skills, navigate the job market, and succeed in the workplace.

Co-occurring Mental Health Conditions

Adults with high-functioning autism may also experience co-occurring mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, executive function difficulties, and sensory sensitivities [1].

These co-occurring conditions can complicate the treatment and management of high-functioning autism, requiring a comprehensive approach to address their specific needs [3].

Understanding these challenges is the first step towards providing effective support for adults with high-functioning autism. By tailoring interventions to their unique needs and circumstances, it's possible to minimize these difficulties and enhance their quality of life.

Therapies for High-Functioning Autism

Therapies are an integral part of the support for adults with high-functioning autism. They can help individuals develop vital skills and cope with challenges associated with their condition. This section will explore three primary types of therapies: Behavioral Therapy, Speech Therapy, and Cognitive Behavior Therapy.

Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral therapy is often used to help individuals with high-functioning autism develop social skills, language skills and manage challenging behaviors. This form of therapy can be tailored to address the unique needs and goals of each individual, following a comprehensive assessment that evaluates cognitive functioning, social skills, communication abilities, and sensory processing.

In the context of high-functioning autism, behavioral therapy can involve various techniques and strategies designed to encourage positive behaviors and minimize problematic ones. This can include social skills training, communication strategies, and coping mechanisms for managing sensory sensitivities. The effectiveness of behavioral therapy can be enhanced through a multidisciplinary approach involving collaboration among professionals, such as psychologists, psychiatrists, and occupational therapists [3].

Speech Therapy

Speech therapy is another important therapeutic intervention for adults with high-functioning autism. This form of therapy focuses on improving communication skills, such as articulation, voice control, and fluency. It can also help individuals enhance their social use of language, including understanding and interpreting non-verbal cues, maintaining conversations, and using appropriate tone and volume [3].

A speech therapist can provide personalized training and exercises designed to enhance the individual's ability to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs effectively. This can greatly improve their social interactions and overall quality of life. Similar to behavioral therapy, a comprehensive assessment is crucial in developing an individualized speech therapy plan.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that is often used to help individuals with high-functioning autism manage co-occurring mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression. CBT focuses on helping individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns and develop coping strategies for managing their emotions and behaviors.

In the context of high-functioning autism, CBT can be particularly beneficial in managing social anxiety, addressing repetitive behaviors, and coping with changes in routine or unexpected events. As with other therapies, the effectiveness of CBT can be enhanced through a multidisciplinary approach involving collaboration among various professionals.

Each of these therapies plays a critical role in providing comprehensive support for adults with high-functioning autism. By addressing different aspects of the individual's skills and challenges, they can significantly improve their functioning and quality of life. It's important to remember that the most effective therapeutic approach is often tailored to the unique needs and goals of each individual.

Employment Support for Adults with High-Functioning Autism

Employment support is a critical aspect of support services for adults with high-functioning autism. With appropriate vocational training, on-the-job support, and understanding employers, individuals with high-functioning autism can thrive in the workforce.

Vocational Training Programs

Vocational training programs are a key part of preparing adults with high-functioning autism for the workforce. These programs provide individuals with the skills necessary to succeed in a variety of job roles. They can also help adults with autism understand the expectations and social nuances of the workplace.

However, despite these resources, many adults with autism face challenges in finding and securing employment. Around 85% of adults with autism are unemployed or underemployed, underscoring the need for increased support in this area [4].

On-the-Job Support

A significant barrier to employment for adults with autism is the lack of understanding and accommodation in the workplace. Employers may not be aware of the skills and potential contributions that individuals with autism can bring to the workforce, leading to missed opportunities for gainful employment for this population.

On-the-job support can make a significant difference in the employment outcomes for adults with high-functioning autism. This can include job coaching, workplace accommodations, or flexible working arrangements, which can help individuals adapt to the work environment and perform their duties effectively.

Successful Employment Case Studies

Despite the challenges, there are numerous examples of successful employment of adults with high-functioning autism. The tech industry, in particular, has been a leader in providing employment opportunities for this group.

Companies such as SAP, Microsoft, and HP have established programs specifically designed to recruit and support individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). These initiatives have proven to be successful, with employees showcasing strong performance, high productivity, and lower turnover rates compared to their neurotypical counterparts.

Furthermore, these companies have highlighted the benefits of promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace, where individuals with varying abilities are valued and given the opportunity to contribute positively to the organization.

Company Program Success Factors
SAP Autism at Work High Productivity, Lower Turnover
Microsoft Autism Hiring Program Increased Diversity, Enhanced Problem Solving
HP Dandelion Program High Performance, Lower Turnover

These case studies highlight the potential for successful employment of adults with high-functioning autism when appropriate supports are in place. It underscores the need for employers to understand and accommodate the unique skills and potential contributions of individuals with autism in the workforce.

Daily Living Support for Adults with High-Functioning Autism

Supporting adults with high-functioning autism involves providing resources and therapies that help them thrive in daily life. The emphasis is on fostering independence, enhancing social skills, and providing mental health services.

Independent Living Skills Training

One of the primary facets of support for adults with high-functioning autism is training in independent living skills. Occupational therapy plays a vital role in this aspect. It supports individuals with autism in developing and enhancing everyday skills, such as self-care, independent living, and work-related tasks. Through promoting skill development, enhancing sensory processing, improving motor skills, and fostering social engagement, occupational therapy aids in preparing adults with autism for an independent life.

Transition planning should start early to prepare them for independent living, with support available in various areas such as education, job training, and social skills development.

Social Skills Development

Another essential support service for adults with high-functioning autism is social skills training. This training facilitates community engagement, enhancing their social interactions and relationships. It can help individuals with high-functioning autism navigate social situations more comfortably and create meaningful connections with others [6].

Mental Health Support Services

The presence of co-occurring mental health conditions is common among adults with high-functioning autism. Therefore, mental health support services are of paramount importance. A comprehensive assessment is crucial in developing an individualized treatment plan for adults with autism. It involves evaluating various domains such as cognitive functioning, social skills, communication abilities, and sensory processing [1].

A multidisciplinary approach involving collaboration among professionals, such as psychologists, psychiatrists, speech therapists, and occupational therapists, is often recommended. Collaborative efforts among these professionals ensure that treatment plans are tailored to the unique needs and goals of each individual.

Services for persons with a physical or intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorder aim to promote autonomy, social participation, and assist in developing, maintaining, and compensating for disabilities. These services are also available for family and loved ones.

In conclusion, daily living support for adults with high-functioning autism encompasses a variety of services, all aimed at promoting independence, enhancing social skills, and supporting mental health. By accessing these supports, adults with high-functioning autism can lead fulfilling, productive lives.

Accessing Support Services

Accessing the right support is crucial for adults with high-functioning autism, and can greatly enhance their quality of life. This section provides information on how to access these services, including eligibility requirements, enrollment procedures, and the role of healthcare professionals.

Eligibility for Support Services

In order to be eligible for support services, individuals must have a physical or intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, significant developmental delay, or a social communication disorder. Family and friends of these individuals are also eligible for the services without fees or deductibles.

The support services aim to promote autonomy, social participation, and assist in developing, maintaining, and compensating for disabilities. These services are designed to support the individual and their loved ones, and fall into three main categories:

  1. Support and guidance for carrying out life habits
  2. Development or recovery of life habits
  3. Partner and community support for individuals with disabilities and autism spectrum disorder

Enrolling in Support Programs

For those seeking services, the first step is to contact their local Integrated Health and Social Services Centre (CISSS) or Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre (CIUSSS). An assessment of the individual's needs will be conducted to determine the required services.

The program also includes Partner and Community Support services, which are designed to assist agencies and municipalities in supporting individuals with a disability or autism spectrum disorder. These services focus on creating facilitators and removing barriers for these individuals.

Role of Healthcare Professionals

Healthcare professionals play a key role in the support system for adults with high-functioning autism. They provide critical guidance, help in identifying the right services, and assist in managing the overall health and well-being of the individual. They can be instrumental in the initial assessment phase, and provide ongoing support as the individual navigates through the various programs and services.

In conclusion, accessing the right support for adults with high-functioning autism can greatly enhance their quality of life. Whether it's through individual or community support programs, these services can provide the necessary tools and guidance to help these adults navigate through life more confidently and independently.









steven zauderer

CEO of CrossRiverTherapy - a national ABA therapy company based in the USA.

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