Where to Get Tested for Autism as an Adult?

While autism is typically diagnosed in childhood, it is possible to receive a diagnosis as an adult. In this article, we'll explore the various options available to adults seeking an autism evaluation.

steven zauderer
Steven Zauderer
June 29, 2024
min read

Understanding Autism in Adults

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), commonly referred to as autism, is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulties in social communication and interaction, as well as the presence of restricted and repetitive behaviors.

While autism is often associated with childhood, it is important to recognize that autism can also affect adults. Understanding autism in adults is crucial for providing appropriate support and improving their quality of life.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) encompasses a range of conditions that share common characteristics. Adults with ASD may experience challenges in social interaction, such as difficulties in understanding social cues, maintaining eye contact, or engaging in reciprocal conversations. They may also exhibit repetitive behaviors, intense interests in specific topics, and sensory sensitivities.

Challenges Faced by Adults with Undiagnosed Autism

Many adults with autism go undiagnosed for various reasons. Some individuals may have developed coping mechanisms that mask their difficulties, while others may have been misdiagnosed with other mental health conditions.

Without a proper diagnosis, adults with undiagnosed autism may face significant challenges in various aspects of their lives.

These challenges can include difficulties in forming and maintaining relationships, challenges in the workplace, and struggles with daily routines and transitions. Undiagnosed adults with autism may also experience higher levels of anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation.

Importance of Autism Testing for Adults

Getting tested for autism as an adult is essential for several reasons. Firstly, a diagnosis provides individuals with a better understanding of themselves, their strengths, and their challenges. It can bring clarity and help individuals develop effective strategies to navigate social interactions and daily life.

Secondly, a diagnosis opens up access to support and resources specifically tailored for individuals with autism. This can include therapies, educational programs, and community support groups. Having access to these resources can greatly enhance an individual's ability to cope with challenges and improve their overall well-being.

Lastly, autism testing for adults can lead to an improved quality of life. With a diagnosis, individuals can better advocate for their needs and rights.

They can communicate their unique challenges to others, fostering understanding and empathy. Additionally, a diagnosis can help individuals and their families develop strategies and approaches that promote personal growth and a sense of fulfillment.

Understanding autism in adults is crucial for providing appropriate support and improving their quality of life. By recognizing the challenges faced by adults with undiagnosed autism and the importance of autism testing, we can ensure that individuals receive the necessary support and resources to thrive.

Signs and Symptoms of Autism in Adults

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of autism in adults is crucial for early identification and intervention. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can manifest differently in adults compared to children, and understanding these indicators can help individuals seek appropriate support and testing.

Here are three key areas to consider when assessing autism in adults: social communication and interaction, restricted and repetitive behaviors, and sensory sensitivities.

Social Communication and Interaction

Difficulties in social communication and interaction are common characteristics of autism in adults. These challenges may present in various ways, including:

  • Difficulty initiating or maintaining conversations
  • Impaired nonverbal communication, such as limited eye contact and facial expressions
  • Challenges understanding and interpreting social cues, sarcasm, or humor
  • Difficulty forming and maintaining relationships
  • Preference for solitary activities over social interactions

Signs and Symptoms

  • Difficulty initiating or maintaining conversations
  • Impaired nonverbal communication
  • Challenges understanding social cues
  • Difficulty forming relationships
  • Preference for solitary activities

Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors

Individuals with autism often exhibit restricted and repetitive behaviors, which can be observed in adults as well. These behaviors may include:

  • Engaging in repetitive movements, such as hand flapping or rocking
  • Adhering to strict routines and rituals
  • Strong resistance to change or difficulty adapting to new situations
  • Highly focused interests or obsessions
  • Unusual responses to sensory stimuli, such as intense fascination or aversion

Signs and Symptoms

  • Repetitive movements
  • Rigid adherence to routines
  • Resistance to change
  • Intense focus on specific interests
  • Unusual sensory responses

Sensory Sensitivities

Sensory sensitivities are common among individuals with autism and can significantly impact daily functioning. Some signs of sensory sensitivities in adults may include:

  • Hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity to certain sensory stimuli, such as sound, touch, taste, smell, or light
  • Overwhelm or discomfort in crowded or noisy environments
  • Preference for specific textures or avoidance of certain fabrics
  • Heightened sensitivity to temperature changes or pain

Signs and Symptoms

  • Sensitivity to sensory stimuli
  • Overwhelm in noisy environments
  • Preference for specific textures
  • Heightened sensitivity to temperature or pain

Recognizing these signs and symptoms in oneself or a loved one can be an important step towards seeking autism testing for adults. If these indicators resonate, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or seek a comprehensive assessment to receive a proper diagnosis and access appropriate support and resources.

Seeking Autism Testing for Adults

When adults suspect they may be on the autism spectrum, seeking autism testing is an important step towards obtaining a diagnosis and accessing appropriate support. Knowing where to start the testing process is crucial. Here are three common avenues to consider: primary care physician, referral to specialists, and autism diagnostic centers.

Where to Start: Primary Care Physician

For adults seeking autism testing, a primary care physician (PCP) can be an initial point of contact. PCPs are trained to address a wide range of health concerns and can help guide individuals towards the appropriate resources. They can conduct an initial assessment and determine if further evaluation for autism is necessary.

During the visit, it is essential for adults to communicate their concerns and provide specific examples of behaviors or challenges they are experiencing. This information will help the PCP assess the need for specialized autism testing. If the PCP determines that further evaluation is warranted, they may refer the individual to specialists who specialize in diagnosing autism.

Referral to Specialists

In some cases, a primary care physician may refer adults to specialists who have expertise in diagnosing autism. These specialists can include psychologists, psychiatrists, developmental pediatricians, or neurologists. These professionals have in-depth knowledge and experience in assessing and diagnosing autism in adults.

When referred to specialists, individuals can expect a more comprehensive evaluation. The specialists will conduct interviews, questionnaires, and assessments to gather information about the individual's developmental history, social interactions, communication patterns, and behavior.

These assessments may involve standardized tools and observations to provide a more accurate diagnosis.

Autism Diagnostic Centers

Autism diagnostic centers are specifically dedicated to assessing and diagnosing autism in individuals of all ages. These centers are staffed with professionals who have extensive experience and training in diagnosing autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

They offer comprehensive evaluations and provide a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis, involving various specialists such as psychologists, psychiatrists, speech-language pathologists, and occupational therapists.

A benefit of going to an autism diagnostic center is the availability of a wide range of assessments and evaluations all in one place. These centers often have access to specialized tools and resources that aid in the diagnosis process. Additionally, they may offer post-diagnosis support and connect individuals with appropriate resources and interventions.

Option Description
Primary Care Physician A good starting point for adults seeking autism testing. PCPs can conduct initial assessments and determine if further evaluation is necessary.
Referral to Specialists PCPs may refer individuals to specialists such as psychologists, psychiatrists, developmental pediatricians, or neurologists who have expertise in diagnosing autism.
Autism Diagnostic Centers Centers dedicated to assessing and diagnosing autism with a multidisciplinary approach. They offer comprehensive evaluations and access to specialized tools and resources.

Seeking autism testing for adults is a proactive step towards self-understanding and accessing appropriate support.

Whether starting with a primary care physician or seeking evaluation through specialists or autism diagnostic centers, it is essential to find the right path for an accurate diagnosis and to determine the best resources and interventions for individuals seeking answers about their potential autism spectrum disorder.

The Autism Testing Process for Adults

When it comes to autism testing for adults, the process typically involves several stages to ensure an accurate diagnosis. These stages include the initial consultation and screening, comprehensive assessment and evaluation, and finally, the diagnosis and recommendations.

Initial Consultation and Screening

The first step in the autism testing process for adults is an initial consultation and screening. During this stage, individuals meet with a healthcare professional, such as a primary care physician or a specialist, to discuss their concerns and provide a detailed medical history.

The healthcare professional may ask questions about social behaviors, communication patterns, and repetitive behaviors to gather information that can aid in the assessment.

The screening process may involve the completion of standardized questionnaires or checklists, such as the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) or the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS). These tools help to identify potential signs of autism and determine if further assessment is necessary.

Comprehensive Assessment and Evaluation

If the initial screening suggests the presence of autism, a comprehensive assessment and evaluation are conducted. This stage involves more in-depth evaluations by specialists, such as psychologists or psychiatrists, who have expertise in diagnosing autism in adults.

The comprehensive assessment may include a combination of interviews, observations, and standardized assessments. These assessments cover various domains, including social communication and interaction, restrictive and repetitive behaviors, and sensory sensitivities.

The goal is to gather a holistic view of an individual's functioning and behaviors to make an accurate diagnosis.

Diagnosis and Recommendations

Following the comprehensive assessment and evaluation, the healthcare professional will analyze the gathered information and determine whether the individual meets the criteria for an autism diagnosis.

The diagnosis is made based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) criteria, which outlines the specific characteristics and behaviors associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

If an autism diagnosis is confirmed, the healthcare professional will provide recommendations for support and intervention. These recommendations may include referrals to specialized services, such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, or behavioral interventions.

The healthcare professional will also guide individuals and their families in accessing appropriate resources and support networks.

The autism testing process for adults is crucial in providing individuals with a clear understanding of their strengths, challenges, and needs. It opens doors to support services and resources that can enhance their quality of life and facilitate self-acceptance.

By undergoing the testing process, adults with autism can gain access to the appropriate interventions and strategies that can help them thrive.

Benefits of Autism Testing for Adults

Autism testing for adults can provide numerous benefits, offering individuals the opportunity for self-understanding, access to support and resources, and an improved quality of life.

Self-Understanding and Acceptance

Receiving an autism diagnosis as an adult can bring a sense of clarity and self-understanding. It can help individuals make sense of their unique experiences and challenges, validating their feelings and providing a framework for understanding their strengths and weaknesses.

Understanding one's autism diagnosis can lead to greater self-acceptance and self-advocacy, empowering individuals to embrace their neurodiversity with confidence.

Access to Support and Resources

An autism diagnosis opens doors to a wide range of support services and resources tailored to meet the specific needs of individuals on the autism spectrum.

These resources can include therapy options, educational programs, community support groups, and vocational training opportunities. By seeking an autism diagnosis, adults can gain access to a network of professionals who specialize in working with individuals on the spectrum, providing guidance and support in various areas of life.

Support and Resources

  • Therapy options (e.g., speech therapy, occupational therapy)
  • Educational programs tailored to individuals on the spectrum
  • Community support groups
  • Vocational training opportunities
  • Access to specialized professionals

Improved Quality of Life

Obtaining an autism diagnosis as an adult can lead to a significantly improved quality of life. With a better understanding of their unique needs and challenges, individuals can develop strategies to navigate social interactions, manage sensory sensitivities, and cope with stress.

Additionally, access to appropriate support and resources can enhance daily functioning, promote independence, and foster a sense of belonging within the community. By addressing specific challenges associated with autism, individuals can lead more fulfilling and satisfying lives.

The benefits of autism testing for adults extend far beyond the initial diagnosis. It is a stepping stone towards self-acceptance, access to supports, and an improved quality of life. Seeking an autism diagnosis can be a transformative journey, providing individuals with the tools and resources they need to thrive in a neurotypical world.


What kinds of tests will be involved in an autism evaluation?

The types of tests used in an autism evaluation can vary depending on the provider and your individual needs. Some common assessments include interviews with you and your family members, behavioral observations, and standardized diagnostic tools.

How long does an autism evaluation typically take?

The length of an evaluation can vary depending on the provider and the complexity of your case. Generally, evaluations can take several hours or even multiple appointments to complete.

Will my insurance cover the cost of an autism evaluation?

Many health insurance plans cover diagnostic testing for autism. However, it's important to check with your insurance provider to understand what is covered under your specific plan.

What should I expect after receiving an autism diagnosis?

After receiving a diagnosis, you may be referred to support services such as therapy, counseling, or medication management. You may also be eligible for disability accommodations at work or school. It's important to discuss all available resources with your healthcare provider.

Can adults grow out of or recover from autism?

While some individuals may experience changes in their symptoms over time, there is no cure for autism. However, with appropriate support and resources, many individuals with autism are able to lead fulfilling lives and achieve their goals.


Getting tested for autism as an adult can provide valuable insights into your unique strengths and challenges. There are several options available for adults seeking an autism evaluation, including clinical psychologists or psychiatrists, autism specialists and clinics, primary care physicians, and online autism screening tools.

No matter which option you choose, remember that seeking a diagnosis is a positive step towards understanding and supporting yourself.


steven zauderer

CEO of CrossRiverTherapy - a national ABA therapy company based in the USA.

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