ABA Therapy Cost by State Uncovered

Discover the aba therapy cost per state, factors affecting it, and options to manage expenses.

steven zauderer
Steven Zauderer
April 29, 2024
12 min read
min read

ABA Therapy Cost by State Statistics and Facts

  • The average cost of ABA therapy in the United States is approximately $62,400 per year for 10 hours of therapy per week at $120 per hour.
  • Without insurance coverage, ABA therapy costs can range from $62,400 to $249,600 per year.
  • Weekly costs for ABA therapy can start at $1,200 and go up to over $4,800.
  • Monthly costs for ABA therapy range from $4,800 to over $20,000.
  • The cost of ABA treatment can vary significantly based on geographical location, therapist certification, and intensity of the therapy program.
  • Insurance mandates in many states require coverage for ABA therapy, reducing out-of-pocket expenses for families.
  • Medicaid coverage can help lower the financial burden of autism treatment, making it more accessible for many families.
  • School-funded programs and state-funded initiatives offer additional financial assistance options for ABA therapy costs.
  • Provider certification levels and geographical influences play a significant role in determining the cost of ABA therapy.
  • Understanding insurance coverage and exploring financial assistance options are crucial steps in managing ABA therapy costs.

Understanding ABA Therapy Costs

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy is a type of therapy commonly used in treating behavioral disorders, including Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). However, the cost of ABA therapy can be significant, which is a considerable factor for families seeking this treatment. In this section, we will discuss the average cost of ABA therapy and the factors influencing the cost.

Average Cost Overview

The average cost of ABA therapy can vary widely. According to Songbird Therapy, assuming 10 hours of therapy per week for 52 weeks at a rate of $120 per hour, the average annual cost is $62,400. However, without insurance coverage, the cost of ABA therapy can range from $62,400 to $249,600 per year. This translates to monthly costs ranging from $4,800 to over $20,000 and weekly costs starting at $1,200 and potentially reaching up to $4,800 [1].

Frequency Cost Range
Annual $62,400 - $249,600
Monthly $4,800 - $20,000
Weekly $1,200 - $4,800

Factors Influencing Cost

The cost of ABA therapy can vary depending on several factors. One of these is geographical location. Depending on the area, costs can significantly fluctuate due to the cost of living, demand for services, and local insurance mandates.

Another factor that influences cost is the therapist's certification and experience level. Therapists with higher levels of certification or more years of experience may charge higher rates.

Intensity of the therapy program is another key factor. More intensive programs that require more hours per week will naturally result in higher costs.

Moreover, additional expenses beyond the therapy sessions themselves can add to the overall cost. These can include assessment fees, materials, and travel expenses [2].

Understanding these factors can help families to plan and budget effectively for ABA therapy costs. It's also important to explore financial assistance options, including insurance coverage and state-funded programs, to help manage the cost of ABA therapy.

ABA Therapy Cost Breakdown

Understanding the cost of ABA therapy is important for families seeking this service. The costs can vary considerably based on various factors, including the duration and frequency of therapy sessions. In this section, we will break down the costs of ABA therapy into hourly rates, weekly and monthly costs, and annual estimates.

Hourly Session Rates

The cost for ABA therapy is typically calculated on an hourly basis. On average, ABA therapy costs around $120 for a one-hour session. However, many insurance plans cover this therapy, significantly reducing out-of-pocket expenses [3].

Session Duration Cost
1 hour $120
Full day (5 hours) $600

Weekly and Monthly Costs

The weekly costs for ABA therapy start at $1,200 and can go up to $4,800. The duration of therapy may last for less than a month, but even a couple of weeks could be enough to see lasting changes in a child’s behavior [3].

On a monthly basis, the costs for ABA therapy start at $4,800 and can reach over $20,000. The assumption is that a child’s therapy costs would be fully covered by insurance or within a family's budget [3].

Duration Cost Range
Weekly $1,200 - $4,800
Monthly $4,800 - $20,000

Annual Cost Estimates

On an annual basis, the cost of ABA treatment ranges from $62,400 for 10 hours of therapy per week to $249,600 for full-time therapy seven days a week. These costs can be considerably reduced after insurance covers their share. The average annual cost of ABA therapy is $62,400 per year, assuming 10 hours per week for 52 weeks at a rate of $120 per hour.

Therapy Hours Per Week Annual Cost
10 hours $62,400
Full-time (35 hours) $249,600

The cost of ABA therapy can be a significant financial consideration for many families. However, with various financial assistance options and insurance coverage, the out-of-pocket costs can be greatly reduced. Understanding the cost breakdown of ABA therapy is an essential step towards finding the best care for your child.

Insurance Coverage for ABA Therapy

A significant factor that can alleviate the financial burden of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy is insurance coverage. This can greatly influence the final ABA therapy cost per state. Let's delve into how insurance mandates differ by state and the variability in coverage.

Insurance Mandates by State

Insurance companies in many states are mandated to cover ABA therapy. This results in families only needing to pay the deductible amount for each session. For example, if the deductible amount is $50, families would only need to pay $50 instead of the full rate of $120 per session [4].

According to Elemy, as of 2020, nearly every state in the United States requires many insurance companies to cover the cost of autism treatment. The exact coverage will depend on the type of insurance. This includes employer-based insurance plans and government insurance plans.

However, it's important to note that these mandates apply to fully funded insurance plans. Self-funded plans do not have this requirement, as they are regulated by the federal government rather than the states.

Variability in Coverage

While insurance mandates provide a level of assurance, the coverage for ABA therapy can vary widely. Some insurance companies are quick to cover ABA, while others are more conservative. The coverage for ABA can vary from state to state and plan to plan. Each insurance plan comes with a booklet that explains the coverage [1].

The advocacy team at AutismSpeaks.org has worked over the last decade to improve health insurance coverage for medically necessary treatments such as ABA. As a result, at least 200 million people now have health insurance coverage for ABA therapy.

Understanding your insurance coverage can be complex, but it's a crucial step in managing ABA therapy costs. It's recommended to review your insurance plan carefully or consult with an insurance expert to understand your coverage for ABA therapy.

In conclusion, insurance coverage plays a significant role in managing ABA therapy costs. While most states have mandates requiring insurance companies to cover ABA therapy, the extent of coverage can vary, making it essential for families to understand their specific insurance plans.

Financial Assistance Options

While the expense of ABA therapy can be daunting, it's important to note that there are financial assistance options available that can help offset these costs. These options can vary from Medicaid coverage to school-funded programs, and state-funded initiatives.

Medicaid Coverage

Medicaid coverage can significantly help mitigate the financial burden of autism treatment. According to ABTa, Medicaid-covered individuals often have lower estimated average medical costs per year compared to those with private insurance. This can make autism treatment more accessible for many families and help ensure that children with autism get the care they need.

School-Funded Programs

Another avenue of financial relief can come from school-funded ABA therapy. In some cases, schools provide funds directly for therapy sessions. If approved, the school can cover 100 percent of a child's ABA therapy expenses. ABA therapists in this scenario may be agency staff or hired by the district, supervised by certified behavior analysts. This can be a valuable resource for families seeking affordable ABA therapy options.

State-Funded Programs

In addition to Medicaid and school-funded programs, some states offer government or nonprofit funds to aid residents in paying for ABA therapy costs. Certain states are particularly supportive of people with autism by providing additional resources and coverage for this therapy.

For example, Alabama requires health benefit plans to provide coverage for the screening, diagnosis, and treatment of autism spectrum disorder for individuals age eighteen or under. This includes various types of care, such as behavioral health treatment, pharmacy care, psychiatric care, psychological care, and therapeutic care.

Families looking for free or low-cost ABA services for their autistic child may find options through these state-funded programs and school services in the United States. These are designed to provide therapy services at reduced or no cost to families in need.

While the cost of ABA therapy can be a significant hurdle, it's important to remember that financial assistance options are available. By exploring these options, families can find affordable solutions that can help ensure their child receives the necessary ABA therapy.

ABA Therapy Cost Considerations

When considering the cost of ABA therapy, it's important to look beyond the basic session rates. Several factors can influence the overall cost, including the provider's certification level, geographical influences, and additional expenses beyond the therapy sessions.

Provider Certification Levels

The skill, certification, and experience level of the provider can significantly impact the cost of ABA therapy. Professionals with different certifications like BCBA-D, BCBA, BCaBA, and RBTs may charge varying rates for ABA therapy services. For instance, BCBA-Ds typically have higher rates due to their doctoral-level degree, while BCaBAs usually charge less.

Provider Certification Level Average Cost (per hour)
BCBA-D Doctoral-level degree $150 - $200
BCBA Board Certified Behavior Analyst $120 - $180
BCaBA Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst $85 - $125
RBT Registered Behavior Technician $65 - $85

Geographical Influences

Geographical location also plays a significant role in determining the cost of ABA therapy. Depending on the state, city, or even the specific area within a city, the cost of ABA therapy can vary dramatically. Some regions may have higher costs due to increased demand for services, higher living costs, or a lack of available providers. It's important to research local rates and consider this factor when evaluating the overall cost of ABA therapy.

Additional Expenses Beyond Sessions

Beyond the cost of the therapy sessions themselves, there may be additional expenses associated with ABA therapy. These can include the cost of initial and ongoing assessments, materials used during therapy, travel expenses for in-home sessions, and more. Some of these costs may be covered by insurance, but others may need to be paid out-of-pocket. It's crucial to understand all potential costs before starting ABA therapy to ensure it is financially feasible.

To summarize, understanding the various factors that influence the cost of ABA therapy is crucial when planning for this treatment. By considering the provider's certification level, geographical location, and potential additional expenses, one can develop a more accurate estimate of the overall cost of ABA therapy.

ABA Therapy Cost Comparison

Understanding the cost of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy can be complex, with prices varying based on several factors. Among these, the location and type of insurance coverage play a significant role in determining the overall expense. In this section, we'll conduct a state-by-state analysis and explore the role of employer health plan coverage in ABA therapy costs.

State-by-State Analysis

The cost of ABA therapy can differ greatly from one state to another, mainly due to variations in insurance mandates and medical service prices. In many states, insurance companies are mandated to cover ABA therapy. This results in families only needing to pay the deductible amount for each session. For instance, if the deductible amount is $50, families would only need to pay $50 instead of the full rate of $120 per session.

In 2020, nearly every state in the United States required many insurance companies to cover the cost of autism treatment. The exact coverage, however, depends on the type of insurance [5].

Employer Health Plan Coverage

Employer health plans can also impact the cost of ABA therapy. As of recent data, about 45% of large companies with 500 employees or more include coverage for ABA therapy in their employer health plans or self-funded plans.

However, it's important to note that while all 50 states in the U.S. require health insurance providers to cover ABA treatment, this applies to fully funded insurance plans. Self-funded plans do not have this requirement, as they are regulated by the federal government rather than the states.

The efforts of advocacy groups such as AutismSpeaks.org have led to significant improvements in health insurance coverage for medically necessary treatments like ABA therapy, resulting in at least 200 million people now having health insurance coverage for ABA therapy.

Understanding the specifics of insurance coverage, both at the state level and through employer health plans, can help families navigate the financial aspects of ABA therapy more effectively. It's crucial to review the terms of your insurance coverage, understand the exact out-of-pocket expenses, and explore any available financial assistance options to ensure that crucial ABA therapy services are affordable and accessible.

ABA Therapy Cost and Autism

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy is an approach widely recognized for its effectiveness in helping individuals with autism spectrum disorder. However, the cost of ABA therapy and the overall financial impact of autism on families can be significant.

Financial Impact of Autism

The financial burden of autism-related care is significant. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that children with autism require an additional $17,000 more per year in care compared to children who are not autistic. For children with severe autism, these costs may escalate to an additional $21,000 annually compared to their neurotypical peers.

These costs typically encompass overall health care costs, education expenses, autism-related therapy costs (including ABA therapy), family services, and the wages of additional caregivers. The cost of autism treatment can vary significantly depending on factors such as the severity of the condition, the type of treatment received, and the availability of support services in each country [2].

Additional Care Expenses

Apart from the direct costs of ABA therapy, families may incur additional costs related to the treatment. These may include travel expenses, assessments conducted by professionals, parent training sessions, and specialized equipment or materials used during therapy. These are expenses beyond the cost of therapy sessions.

Additional Expenses Description
Travel Expenses Costs associated with commuting to therapy sessions
Assessments Fees for professional evaluations to determine therapy needs
Parent Training Costs for sessions aimed at educating parents on ABA techniques
Specialized Equipment/Materials Expenses for materials used in therapy

In summary, the aba therapy cost per state is only part of the total financial impact of autism on families. It's essential for families to consider all these factors when planning for the cost of care for a child with autism. This information can help families make informed decisions and plan for the financial responsibilities associated with autism care.

Future Trends in ABA Therapy Costs

As the recognition and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders continue to increase, so too does the demand for effective treatment options. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy has been recognized as a beneficial form of treatment for individuals with autism. However, the cost of this therapy can be a significant barrier for many families. Looking forward, it's important to consider how future trends in legislation and public health program administration may impact the cost of ABA therapy.

Legislative Impact on Coverage

Legislation plays a crucial role in the coverage and, subsequently, the cost of ABA therapy. Insurance laws and public health programs are administered at the state level, resulting in varying restrictions and available coverage for ABA therapy from state to state. This can include factors such as visitation limits and qualifications for providers to be fully reimbursed [6].

State Description Source
Alabama The state requires health benefit plans to provide coverage for the screening, diagnosis, and treatment of autism spectrum disorder for individuals age eighteen or under (Operant Billing Solutions)
Alaska Insurers in the state are required to provide coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorder for individuals under 21 (Operant Billing Solutions)
Arizona Certain health insurers in the state are required to provide coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorder (Operant Billing Solutions)

These state-specific legislative differences can have a significant impact on the "aba therapy cost per state", both for out-of-pocket expenses and insurance reimbursements.

Public Health Program Administration

Public health programs also play a significant role in the cost of ABA therapy. These programs, which are also administered at the state level, can provide additional financial support for families in need. However, the availability and extent of these programs can vary widely from state to state. This variability can significantly impact the overall cost of ABA therapy for families, especially for those without comprehensive insurance coverage.

As public awareness and understanding of autism continue to improve, there is hope that more resources will be allocated to these programs. This could lead to an increase in available financial support, potentially making ABA therapy more accessible for families across the country.

In conclusion, the cost of ABA therapy is heavily influenced by both legislative decisions and public health program administration. By keeping an eye on future trends in these areas, families can stay informed and better plan for potential changes in ABA therapy costs.


[1]: https://www.crossrivertherapy.com/insurance

[2]: https://www.abtaba.com/blog/autism-treatment-cost

[3]: https://www.crossrivertherapy.com/aba-therapy-cost

[4]: https://www.songbirdcare.com/articles/aba-therapy-cost-per-state

[5]: https://elemy.wpengine.com/aba-therapy/costs

[6]: https://operantbilling.com/aba-therapy-insurance-coverage-by-state/

[7]: https://www.rainbowtherapy.org/blogs-unraveling-the-costs-of-aba-therapy/